IMF Institute/WAIFEM Lectures

—imf/WAIFEM—7. Nov, 2004

Lectures held in Accra, Ghana, November 2004. Lecture 1: Sources of Economic Growth Lecture 2: Macroeconomic Stabilization and Structural Reform […]

IMF Institute/East AFRITAC Lectures

—imf/AFRITAC—7. Oct, 2004

Lectures held in Nairobi, Kenya, October 2004. Lecture 1: Macroeconomic Stabilization and Structural Reform Lecture 2: Sources of Economic Growth […]

From Health to Wealth

—Nordic health care conference, lillehammer—15. Sep, 2004

Lecture at a conference on Nordic health care (Nordisk hälso- och sjukvårdskonferens) organized by the Norwegian Hospital and Health Care […]

Joint Vienna Institute Lectures

—IMF/JVI—7. Jul, 2004

Lectures held in Vienna, July 2004. The following six presentations from an IMF course on Monetary Analysis and Policy are posted here […]