20. Feb, 2023


Books in English

Books in Icelandic

  • Five Seasons (Fimm árstíðir), 5 songs for high voice and piano set to poems by Snorri Hjartarson, with English translations, Ísalög, Reykjavík, 2020, 34 pages.
  • Poets Apart (Skáldaskil), a trilogy in six acts, Skrudda, Reykjavík, 2020, 258 pages.
  • Watershed (Tímamót), roman à clef by Thorsteinn Gíslason with an introduction by Thorvaldur Gylfason (eds. Anna K. Bjarnadóttir and Thorvaldur Gylfason), Skrudda, Reykjavík, 2020, 280 pages.
  • Soaring Birds (Svífandi fuglar), 15 songs for high voice, piano, and cello set to poems by Kristján Hreinsson, with English translations, Gutti, Reykjavík, 2019, 100 pages.
  • Soaring Birds (Svífandi fuglar), 15 songs for low voice, piano, and cello set to poems by Kristján Hreinsson,with English translations, Gutti, Reykjavík, 2019, 100 pages.
  • Clean Slate (Hreint borð), collection of 69 articles on constitutional matters, published in collaboration with the Constitutional Society, Gutti, Reykjavík, 2012, 150 pages. Also available in a longer version as an ebook.
  • Two Worlds (Tveir heimar), collection of 168 articles, Iceland University Press, Reykjavík, 2005.
  • The Future Is Another Country (Framtíðin er annað land), collection of 42 essays on economics and related subjects, with introduction, Iceland University Press, Reykjavík, 2001, 368 pages.
  • Trade for Gain (Viðskiptin efla alla dáð), collection of 36 essays on economics and related subjects, Heimskringla, Language and Culture, Reykjavík, 1999, 359 pages.
  • To Build a Nation (Að byggja land), three television programs dealing with aspects of the history of economic ideas in Iceland, Iceland University Press, Reykjavík, 1998, 78 pages. Also available on videotape and DVD.
  • High Time (Síðustu forvöð), collection of 21 essays on economic theory and policy, with introduction, Iceland University Press, Reykjavík, 1995, 237 pages.
  • Efficiency and Fairness (Hagkvæmni og réttlæti), collection of 32 essays on economic theory and policy, Icelandic Literature Society, Reykjavík, 1993, 225 pages.
  • Understanding the Market Economy (Markaðsbúskapur, with Arne Jon Isachsen and Carl B. Hamilton), Heimskringla, Language and Culture, Reykjavík, 1994, 286 pages.
  • Political Economy and Culture (Hagfræði, stjórnmál og menning), collection of 30 essays on economic theory and policy, Icelandic Literature Society, Reykjavík, 1991, 203 pages.
  • Public Interest (Almannahagur), collection of 75 essays on economic theory and policy, Icelandic Literature Society (est. 1816), Reykjavík, 1990, 458 pages.

Books in Swedish

Books in other languages

Understanding the Market Economy (with Arne Jon Isachsen and Carl B. Hamilton), also available or forthcoming in fifteen other languages:

Journal articles in English

Chapters in books in English

Short articles, comments, and discussion in English

Articles in Icelandic

  • Inngangur (Introduction), Tímamót (Watershed), historical roman à clef by Thorsteinn Gíslason, poet and editor (1867-1938), Skrudda, 2020.
  • Twelve Years After: Iceland´s Unfinished Business, Tímarit Máls og menningar, 2020, 2.
  • Double take, Nýtt Helgakver (Festschrift for Professor Helgi Skúli Kjartansson, eds. Guðmundur Jónsson, Gunnar Karlsson, Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, and Þórður Helgason), 2019.
  • Parallel cases, Tímarit Máls og menningar, 2018, 1.
  • Social capital, economic hardship, and Iceland, Tímarit Máls og menningar, 2017, 1.
  • Constitution on ice, Skírnir, journal of the Icelandic Literary Society, spring 2015.
  • Interview with Thráinn Bertelsson, Tímarit Máls og menningar, 2014, 4.
  • Songs my father taught me, Tímarit Máls og menningar, 2013, 3 and 4.
  • After the fall: A new constitution, Skírnir, journal of the Icelandic Literary Society, spring 2012.
  • Economics in Iceland: Breaking the path, Skírnir, journal of the Icelandic Literary Society, autumn 2011.
  • The picture of President Jón, Andvari, 2011.
  • Icelandic lullaby by Halldór Laxness, Tímarit Máls og menningar, 2010, 3.
  • What does the law say? Common property resources as human rights, Ragnarsbók (Festschrift for Ragnar Aðalsteinsson), 2009.
  • Lessons from economic developments and economic policy in Iceland in th 20th century, Saga, 2009.
  • When Iceland was Ghana, Þróunarmál, 2008.
  • Europe: Less work, more growth, Skírnir, journal of the Icelandic Literary Society, spring 2007.
  • Opposite views, chapter in a conference volume published by the Institute for International Affairs, University of Iceland, 2007.
  • Awakening giants: India and China, Skírnir, journal of the Icelandic Literary Society, autumn 2006.
  • Growth to measure, Hagmál, 2006.
  • Economic policy, finance, and growth, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-June 2005.
  • The real exchange rate floats, even if the nominal exchange rate is fixed, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-June, 2002.
  • Should exchange rates be fixed or flexible? Alternative exchange rate arrangements under perfect capital mobility, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), July-December 2001.
  • Growing apart, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), 2000.
  • Natural wealth, exports, and Europe, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-June 1999.
  • Economic policy and growth prospects at the turn of the century, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), July-December 1998.
  • Agricultural protection: No relief in sight yet?, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), July-December 1997.
  • The trail-blazer, in Who is who in economics and business administration? (Viðskipta- og hagfræðingatal), 1997.
  • Exports, inflation, and economic growth, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-June 1996.
  • Trade between East and West: How free? How soon?, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), July-December 1995.
  • Reforms in the East, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-June 1995.
  • Farm protection in Europe: What it costs and where it leads, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-June 1994.
  • The Nordic economies in crisis: What went wrong?, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), August-December 1993.
  • Economic growth and external debt, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), May-July 1993.
  • Banks: From public to private ownership, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-April 1993.
  • Privatization in Central and Eastern Europe, with Arne Jon Isachsen and Carl B. Hamilton), Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), August-December 1992.
  • Output gains from economic liberalization: A simple formula, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), August-December 1992.
  • Fishing fees and exchange rates, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi),  January-April 1992.
  • Finance and culture, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), May-July 1991.
  • Iceland on the outskirts of Europe: A common property resource at stake?, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-April 1991.
  • Exchange rate policy, inflation, and unemployment: The Experience of the Nordic EFTA countries, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-April 1990.
  • Inflation, growth, and external debt, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), May-August 1989.
  • Exchange rate policy and inflation, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), May-August 1988.
  • Economics since Keynes: A positive science?, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), May-August 1988.
  • Should a currency be devalued?, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-April 1986.
  • Recent developments in macroeconomics, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-April 1985.
  • The role of government and labor in resistance against inflation, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), January-April 1984.
  • Wage claims and cost inflation, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), August-December 1981.
  • Inflation, interest, and economic activity, Central Bank of Iceland Financial Bulletin (Fjármálatíðindi), August-December 1978.

Articles in Swedish

  • Remembering Assar, Ekonomisk Debatt, No. 2, 2021.
  • Negative interest, in Birgitta Swedenborg (ed.), Swedish Economic Policy Then, Now, and in the Future, a Festschrift for Professor Hans Tson Söderström, Dialogos, Stockholm, 2015.
  • Evaluation of university programs in economics (ásamt David Collste, Ing-Marie Gren, Siv Gustafsson, Lars Hultkrantz, Charlie Karlsson, Agneta Kruse, Johan Lindén, Michael Lundholm, Robert Lundmark, Tobias Lundquist, Paul Nystedt, Elisabet Olme, Peder Pedersen, Christian Schultz, Anna Thoursie, and Ann Veiderpass), Ekonomisk Debatt, No. 5, 2012.
  • Interview with Assar Lindbeck, Ekonomisk Debatt, No. 7, 2005.
  • Nature and growth, Ekonomisk Debatt, No. 7, 2001.
  • It doesn’t have to take that long, Företag och samhälle, 3/97.
  • Sweden: A view from the stands, Företag och samhälle, 1/97.
  • The finance plan and economic policy, Ekonomisk Debatt 1, 1997.
  • The alphabet of economic growth, in Jan Herin (ed.), Looking for the Factor X (På jakt efter faktor X), Swedish Employers’ Association, Stockholm, 1996.
  • Reforms in the East, in Economic Policy, Festschrift for Assar Lindbeck, SNS Förlag, Stockholm, 1995.
  • Swedish exchange rate policy in an international perspective: Comment, in Devaluation 1982, ed. Lars Jonung, SNS Förlag, Stockholm, 1991.
  • Inflation and economic stagnation: A coincidence?, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Quarterly Review, No. 2, 1989.
  • The finance plan and economic policy, Ekonomisk Debatt 3, 1987.
  • Stabilization policy in small open economies: Comment, Yearbook, Nordic Economic Research Council, 1986.
  • Does devaluation make sense?, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Quarterly Review, No. 2, 1986.
  • Inflation and the labor market organizations, Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift, No. 3, 1984.
  • The co-responsibility of government and labor market organizations for inflation and unemployment, Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift, No. 3, 1984.

Articles in other languages