Constitution on Ice
Presentation at Pathways to Power public seminar at Queen Mary University of London.
Presentation at Pathways to Power public seminar at Queen Mary University of London.
The more Russia changes, it seems, the more it remains the same.
Presentation of a joint paper with Eduard Hochreiter and Tadeusz Kowalski prepared for Fault lines after Covid: Reykjavik roundtable on […]
In memory of Assar Lindbeck, the Swedish economist.
Lecture at Fróðskaparsetur Føroya. Abstract This will be one of those talks where almost everything discussed is in the title. […]
With Sandeep Kapur and Gylfi Zoega, under submission. Abstract We consider two possible channels of the possible impact of income […]
With Eduard Hochreiter. In Comparative Economic Studies 2022. Abstract We compare the economic growth performance of Belarus and Lithuania since […]
Presentation at the 92nd International Atlantic Economic North American Conference online 7-10 October 2021 and again at the The Vienna […]
With Arne Jon Isachsen. In Challenge 2021. Abstract While Mao saw China throw off the yoke of foreign powers, and […]
Portraits of growth theorists Adam Smith Joseph Schumpeter Thomas Malthus John Maynard Keynes David Ricardo Roy Harrod John Stuart Mill […]