IMF Institute/East AFRITAC Lectures
Lectures held in Nairobi, Kenya, March 2004. Lecture 1: Sources of Economic Growth Lecture 2: Macroeconomic Stabilization and Structural Reform […]
Lectures held in Nairobi, Kenya, March 2004. Lecture 1: Sources of Economic Growth Lecture 2: Macroeconomic Stabilization and Structural Reform […]
Lectures held in Tunis, January-February 2004. Lecture 1: Macroeconomic Adjustment and Structural Reform Lecture 2: Sources of Economic Growth Lecture […]
Education has been one of the key determinants of economic growth around the world since 1965. In this paper, we […]
A miniseries of lectures held at the Center for Economic Studies at the University of Munich in October 2003.
Presentation at People and the Sea II, a conference held at MARE — the Centre for Maritime Research in Amsterdam, 4-6 […]
NÖG lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association in Klagenfurt, 16-17 May 2003. Also presented at the 17th Scandinavian […]
Lecture on globalization at The Brussels Economic Forum 2003, at the European Commisson, Brussels, 10-11 April 2003. Also presented at […]
Skrifað ásamt Gylfa Zoëga, 9. kafli í Inequality and Growth: Theory and Policy Implications, ritstj. Theo Eicher og Stephen Turnovsky.
Christmas interview in the Icelandic economic magazine Vísbending.