IMF Institute/Joint Africa Institute Lectures
Lectures held in Tunis, February-March 2006. Lecture 1: Sources of Economic Growth Lecture 2: Balance of Payments: Analysis and Forecasting Lecture 3: External Sector […]
Lectures held in Tunis, February-March 2006. Lecture 1: Sources of Economic Growth Lecture 2: Balance of Payments: Analysis and Forecasting Lecture 3: External Sector […]
In the original sense of the term, the ‘Dutch disease’ refers to the fears of deindustrialization that gripped the Netherlands […]
Presentation at an OECD Workshop on Global Conergence Scenarios: Structural and policy issues at the OECD, Paris.
Comment on a paper by Michael D. Bordo and Peter L. Rousseau, Working Paper No. 107, Austrian National Bank, 2006
This article aims to compare the development strategies and trajectories of the two economic giants of Asia, India and China. […]
Skrifað ásamt Gylfa Zoëga, 9. kafli í Institutions for Development and Growth, ritstj. Theo Eicher og Cecilia García-Peñalosa.
Í Dead Ends of Transition: Rentier Economies and Protectorates, ritstj. Michael Dauderstädt og Arne Schildberg.
Presentation at a seminar on The Transforming Authoritarian Rentier Economies and Protectorates organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the German Development Institute, […]
Presentation at the MEFMI Combined Forum of Ministers of Finance and Planning, Treasury Secretaries and Permanent Secretaries for Finance and Planning, […]