Natural Resources: Nordic Lessons

—Gaidar Forum, Moscow—14. Jan, 2015

Presentation at the 5th annual Gaidar Forum “Russia and the World: New Dimensions” organized by the Russian Presidential Academy of […]

Iceland: How could this happen?

—Oxford University Press—1. Jan, 2015

Í Torben M. Andersen, Michael Bergman, and Svend E. Hougaard Jensen (ritstj.), Reform Capacity and Macroeconomic Performance in the Nordic Countries.

Making a democratic constitution

—Democratic Audit UK—28. Oct, 2014

After the financial crash of 2008, Iceland’s prospects looked promising in two respects. First, the government decided to call the […]

Constitution on Ice

—University College, Dublin—5. Sep, 2014

Presentation at a workshop on Constitutions organized by the Constitutional Studies Group in University College Dublin in conjunction with the […]