Constitution on Ice

—Routledge—1. Jul, 2016

Í Valur Ingimundarson, Philipe Urfalino og Irma Erlingsdóttir (ritstj.), Iceland’s Financial Crisis: The Politics of Blame, Protest, and Reconstruction, Routledge, London, England.

From Diversification to Growth

—Algiers—28. May, 2016

Presentation at a High-level Seminar on Natural Resources, Finance, and Growth organized by the Bank of Algeria and held in […]

The EU’s open arms and small states

—Nordicum-Mediterraneum—3. May, 2016

Recent events notwithstanding, all things considered, the European Union has proved to be a brilliant success along several dimensions. This […]

Iceland: Window remains wide-open

—Verfassungsblog—14. Apr, 2016

Historical evidence suggests that, with few exceptions, it takes a crisis to write or revise a country’s constitution. Iceland fits […]