Monetary and Fiscal Management, Finance, and Growth
Presentation at a conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis in Social Sciences held at Brunel University in London, 12-13 June […]
Presentation at a conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis in Social Sciences held at Brunel University in London, 12-13 June […]
Presentation at Workshop on the Impact of Oil Boom in the Caspian Basin held at Paris 1 University in Paris.
Lectures held in Lusaka, Zambia, April 2006. Lecture 1: External Debt Management and the HIPCs Lecture 2: Sources of Growth Lecture […]
Lecture at the Third Annual Meeting of the Technical Advisory Panels and Networks of the The African Capacity Building Foundation […]
Presentation at a council meeting of the International Confederation of Principals in Reykjavík.
Lecture at the Austrian National Bank in Vienna.
Lectures held in Tunis, February-March 2006. Lecture 1: Sources of Economic Growth Lecture 2: Balance of Payments: Analysis and Forecasting Lecture 3: External Sector […]
Presentation at an OECD Workshop on Global Conergence Scenarios: Structural and policy issues at the OECD, Paris.
Presentation at a seminar on The Transforming Authoritarian Rentier Economies and Protectorates organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the German Development Institute, […]
Presentation at the MEFMI Combined Forum of Ministers of Finance and Planning, Treasury Secretaries and Permanent Secretaries for Finance and Planning, […]