Oil management: Norway’s example
Norwegian children are taught at school that Norway was Europe‘s most impoverished country in 1905, when the Norwegians unilaterally dissolved […]
Norwegian children are taught at school that Norway was Europe‘s most impoverished country in 1905, when the Norwegians unilaterally dissolved […]
The development gap between former Soviet states is striking – top performers like Estonia have joined the European Union while […]
Understanding Iceland and its current financial predicament requires some history and context. Here Iceland’s best known professor of economics explains […]
Norwegians enjoy a very high standard of living. Is it due to their oil? This column describes the country’s impressive […]
Recent events have commentators discussing whether Iceland is in danger of an economic meltdown. This column examines the situation in […]
Believe it or not: in 1901, Iceland’s per capita national economic output was about the same as that of today’s […]
The Common Fisheries Policy, a product of special interests rather than economic rationale, has driven European fish stocks to dangerously […]
Subsidized energy is not an efficient form of social protection, for two main reasons. First, selling domestically produced energy at […]
In the 1960s, Zambia produced more output per person than Thailand. Today, however, Thailand’s income per person is six times […]