There is a lot in a name. This column looks at the ideas that are wrongly attributed to Irving Fisher […]
There is a lot in a name. This column looks at the ideas that are wrongly attributed to Irving Fisher […]
Seven years after its crisis, Iceland has staged an economic recovery. This column suggests that despite its overall success, the […]
Economic growth is propelled in part by the accumulation of different kinds of capital, including social capital in its several […]
Ch. 1 in Makropolitik i kris: En vänskrift till Lars Jonung med anledning av hans 70-årsdag Abstract Economic growth is […]
With Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso and Per Magnus Wijkman. Following popular protests at home and the fall of the government, Ukraine reversed […]
With Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso and Per Magnus Wijkman. In Eastern Partnership Review No. 21, May 2015. Abstract An “institutional vacuum” characterized […]
Whereas some argue there is no need to revise the US constitution, others believe that its inherent flaws are in […]
Í Birgitta Swedenborg (ritstj.), Swedish Economic Policy — Then, Now, and in the Future, afmælisrit handa Hans Tson Söderström prófessor, Dialogos, Stockholm, 2015. Ensk gerð […]
Preface to a volume of essays.
Í Torben M. Andersen, Michael Bergman, and Svend E. Hougaard Jensen (ritstj.), Reform Capacity and Macroeconomic Performance in the Nordic Countries.