Í Luigi Paganetto (ritstj.), Sustainable Growth in the EU: Challenges and Solutions, undir styttri yfirskrift (“Incomes, Hours of Work, and […]
This paper analyzes the constitutional impasse in Iceland where, after the financial collapse of 2008, Parliament convened a National Assembly […]
Iceland’s financial system, you may not remember, blew apart in spectacular fashion, with the country’s banks left owing their creditors […]
One-dimensional indicators such as GNI per capita are known to be flawed measures of wellbeing. The Human Development Index (HDI) […]
Ásamt Jean-Pascal Nguessa Nganou, í S. Mahroum og Y. Al-Saleh (ritstj.), Economic Diversification Policies in Natural Resource Rich Economies.
Historical evidence suggests that, with few exceptions, it takes a crisis to write or revise a country’s constitution. Iceland fits […]
Í Valur Ingimundarson, Philipe Urfalino og Irma Erlingsdóttir (ritstj.), Iceland’s Financial Crisis: The Politics of Blame, Protest, and Reconstruction, Routledge, London, England.
Recent events notwithstanding, all things considered, the European Union has proved to be a brilliant success along several dimensions. This […]
Historical evidence suggests that, with few exceptions, it takes a crisis to write or revise a country’s constitution. Iceland fits […]
With Helgi Tómasson and Gylfi Zoega. This paper aims to show why Irving Fisher’s own data on interest rates and […]