Inequality and economic growth: Do natural resources matter?
Skrifað ásamt Gylfa Zoëga, 9. kafli í Inequality and Growth: Theory and Policy Implications, ritstj. Theo Eicher og Stephen Turnovsky.
Skrifað ásamt Gylfa Zoëga, 9. kafli í Inequality and Growth: Theory and Policy Implications, ritstj. Theo Eicher og Stephen Turnovsky.
This paper makes two main points. First, irrespective of nominal exchange rate arrangements, the real exchange rate always floats – […]
Í Paradox of Plenty: The Management of Oil Wealth.
Economic growth requires capital. This article reviews the relationship between economic growth around the world and six different kinds of […]
Comment on a paper by Eduard Hochreiter, Anton Korinek, and Pierre L. Siklos It is a great pleasure for me […]
Í Fostering Sustainable Growth in Ukraine, ritstj. Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel og Iryna Akimova, Physica-Verlag (dótturforlag Springer-Verlag), Heidelberg og New York, […]
This essay reviews the relationship between natural-resource abundance and economic growth around the world, and presents some new results. The […]
Skrifað ásamt Gylfa Zoëga, í Education + Training => Knowledge + Innovation => Economic + Social Growth, Proceedings of the […]