The road from agriculture
Skrifað ásamt Gylfa Zoëga, 9. kafli í Institutions for Development and Growth, ritstj. Theo Eicher og Cecilia García-Peñalosa.
Skrifað ásamt Gylfa Zoëga, 9. kafli í Institutions for Development and Growth, ritstj. Theo Eicher og Cecilia García-Peñalosa.
Í Dead Ends of Transition: Rentier Economies and Protectorates, ritstj. Michael Dauderstädt og Arne Schildberg.
On a paper by Alison L. Booth, Marco Francesconi, and Gylfi Zoega in Labour Market Adjustments in Europe, edsj. J. […]
Í Economic Liberalization and Integration Policy: Options for Eastern Europe and Russia, ritstj. Harry G. Broadman, Tiiu Paas og Paul J. […]
This may not surprise you, but when I was a student of economics in the first half of the 1970s, […]
This lecture addresses three related aspects of monetary and fiscal management in Europe and elsewhere. First, I discuss the implications […]
Education has been one of the key determinants of economic growth around the world since 1965. In this paper, we […]
Skrifað ásamt Gylfa Zoëga, 9. kafli í Inequality and Growth: Theory and Policy Implications, ritstj. Theo Eicher og Stephen Turnovsky.
This paper makes two main points. First, irrespective of nominal exchange rate arrangements, the real exchange rate always floats – […]